Peek Into The Universe

· Science Team
In the vast universe, human beings have always been curious and pursuing the starry sky. In order to pry into the mysteries of the universe, human beings have developed a series of amazing astronomical telescopes.
These high-tech eyes extend our vision to distant galaxies, planets, and stars, bringing us closer to understanding the nature of the universe.
There are many famous astronomical telescopes in the world, and they play an important role in exploring the universe and studying stars and astronomical phenomena. Here are some famous astronomical telescopes and what they do:
1. Hubble Space Telescope: Hubble is one of the most famous space telescopes, launched in 1990. It captures sharp astronomical images through a telescope located in Earth's orbit, avoiding the effects of atmospheric distortions. Hubble's main role includes studying galaxies, planets, stars, and nebulae, helping scientists understand important issues such as the expansion rate of the universe and dark energy.
2. Chandra X-ray Observatory: Chakra is a space telescope dedicated to observing X-rays. It can detect high-energy celestial phenomena, such as black holes, neutron stars, and galaxy clusters. Through the Chakra Telescope, scientists can delve into the extreme physical processes in the universe.
3. Atacama Large Millimeter/ submillimeter Array, ALMA: ALMA is a radio telescope array composed of multiple telescopes, located in the Atacama Desert in Chile. It is specially designed to observe radiation in the microwave, millimeter, and submillimeter bands, and is used to study molecular clouds, planet formation, stellar evolution, etc.
4. Parker Solar Probe: This is a NASA solar exploration mission designed to study phenomena such as the sun's corona and solar wind in depth. It will fly close to the sun, collecting important data on solar activity.
5. European Extremely Large Telescope, E-ELT: This is a planned extremely large optical/infrared telescope, built by the European Southern Observatory (ESO). Once complete, it will be one of the highest-resolution telescopes on the ground, used to study distant galaxies, planets, stars, and dark matter, among other things.
These are just some of the many astronomical telescopes, each of which plays an important role in its specific field, helping humans gain a deeper understanding of the mysteries of the universe.
From the Hubble Space Telescope's deep universe images to ALMA's analysis of molecular clouds, from the Chakra Telescope's exploration of high-energy celestial bodies to the Eugene Parker Solar Probe's journey to the hot corona, these famous astronomical telescopes have played an important role in our cosmic exploration journey. plays an indispensable role.
With the continuous advancement of science and technology, we can expect that more astronomical instruments will bring us more amazing discoveries about the universe, reveal more mysteries and truths, let our vision follow the trajectory of the stars forever, and explore the boundless universe the mystery.