Stars' Cosmic Splitter
Chandan Singh
| 09-11-2023

· Science Team
Human curiosity about the mysteries of the universe has led to ceaseless exploration.
However, despite significant scientific advancements, the cosmos remains veiled in secrecy, continually offering new enigmas to unravel.
Deep within the vast universe, a mesmerizing spectacle is underway. Stars, those brilliant celestial beacons, have long been objects of fascination and wonder.
A remarkable study has unveiled an astonishing revelation - the existence of super-powerful "relativistic blades" of plasma capable of cleaving an entire star in twain.
This captivating narrative unfolded at New York University's Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, where the research findings have garnered widespread attention. While the research awaits peer review, its groundbreaking potential has already ignited significant interest within the scientific community.
An unpublished paper posits the existence of ultra-potent plasma "relativistic blades" capable of bisecting stars. These extraordinary blades are shaped by hyper-charged plasma flows molded by immensely powerful magnetic fields and may explain some of the universe's most luminous explosions.
The study, conducted by researchers from NYU's Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, though it has not yet undergone peer review, was outlined in a paper published on the preprint database arXiv in September.
The researchers embarked on a quest to unveil the origins of specific types of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), the most influential celestial events. GRBs typically occur at such immense distances that they manifest as brief but intense bursts of excess gamma-ray radiation, visible to us as fleeting flashes of brilliance.
While the energy required to generate a GRB is staggering, most astrophysicists theorize that black holes or magnetars, often involved in violent activities such as tearing stars apart, might be responsible. Nonetheless, the lingering mystery lies in the gradual fading of certain GRBs.
A recent study offers a compelling hypothesis that these persistent GRBs may be connected to the demise of massive stars. As an extensive star reaches the end of its life, its core collapses, giving rise to a neutron star.
With a city-sized footprint, this compact sphere comprises ultra-dense neutrons enveloped by a thick layer of hydrogen and helium. Rapid compression and intense rotation equip the neutron star with an exceptionally potent magnetic field, effectively transforming it into a magnetar, boasting the most formidable magnetic field in the known universe.
The birth of a magnetar is a tumultuous process. The star's gravitational pull draws the remnants of its parent star's atmosphere towards it, inducing chaotic plasma motion.
Earlier research postulated the emergence of a jet along the magnetar's rotational axis, traversing through the dying star amidst the cosmic turmoil.
Yet, the authors of this recent study recognized that a magnetar's magnetic field can also emit intense radiation along its equator.
Influenced by the extreme centrifugal forces of the spinning star, these radiation beams coalesce to form a "blade" that hurtles through the star at nearly the speed of light, carrying more energy than a supernova explosion.
This newly discovered "relativistic blade" has the extraordinary capability to cleave a star in two.
This revelation adds another layer to our understanding of the universe's intricate and awe-inspiring workings, presenting a captivating avenue for future astronomical exploration and discovery.