Birth Of The Universe
Declan Kennedy
| 07-12-2023

· Science Team
When humanity first started unraveling the mysteries of the universe, people were oblivious to the origins of the cosmos.
It wasn't until scientists observed cosmic microwave background radiation that the existing theoretical framework proved inadequate in reasonably explaining the existence of the universe.
Using astronomical telescopes, people observed stars, noting the gradual increase in distance from Earth.
The redshift phenomenon became more apparent with greater distance, leading the scientific community to gradually realize the expanding nature of the universe. Projecting backward from our current point in time, scientists proposed the Big Bang hypothesis, suggesting the universe originated from an initial singularity with infinite mass, volume, and energy about 13.8 billion years ago.
At the moment of the singularity big bang, an enormous release of energy caused a surge in cosmic space, laying the foundation for the primordial universe's exponential volume growth.
Subsequently, in a vacuum environment, energy decayed, giving rise to elementary particles like protons, neutrons, electrons, and quarks over hundreds of thousands of years. Following an extended period of vacuum decay, protons and neutrons gradually combine to form atomic nuclei. Several hundred thousand years later, these nuclei combined with electrons, give birth to the universe's first batch of neutral atoms.
Hydrogen dominated, comprising over 90%, followed by helium, creating essential conditions for star formation.
Stellar fusion is a crucial process, where matter from the big bang accepts new matter. Interstellar space, initially filled with light gases, saw the gradual formation of primordial nebulae as gases clumped together. These nebulae underwent gravitational perturbations, forming regions of increased gas density. The core's temperature increased, and the first batch of primitive stars emerged 500-600 million years after the Big Bang.
As material accumulated in the core area, reaching a critical temperature, hydrogen fusion triggered the formation of stars. Continuous fusion, involving the conversion of hydrogen to helium, released energy and photons, sustaining the star's stability. The interplay of radiation pressure and gravity determined the extent of fusion within the star. For smaller stars, repeated collapses led to the end of fusion, transitioning to red dwarf stars. Larger stars, with stronger material bases, continued fusion, producing elements like helium, carbon, oxygen, and others, depending on their mass.
Once iron formed through fusion, subsequent fusion couldn't be triggered, marking the end of the star's lifecycle.
Electron capture reactions, releasing gamma rays, could restart fusion, but it often led to a runaway state, causing a high-energy shock wave. This shock wave, with its duration and impact depending on energy, could result in a supernova explosion.
The eruption's high temperature stimulated ultra-high energy, releasing high-energy neutrons that, in the high-temperature environment, formed elements heavier than iron.